All right, so you have penetrated my secret, you clever person you. You perceived correctly that no real person could live such an outrageously implausible life as the alleged Jonathan Waite. You saw through the facade of pedestrian dullness that was the mask of Zander Nyrond, so called. You have doubtless already identified the Benefits Agency as a front for the sinister power that rules behind the thrones of the Western Hemisphere and my departure therefrom as a transparent ruse, and the entire fabric of "science fiction fandom" as an illusory conspiracy invented by the Bavarian Illuminati to account for the rainfall in Tierra del Fuego. ("But there is no rainfall in Tierra del Fuego." Exactly.) You will have checked on my purported writings, and found none in the Vatican, the British Museum or the Library of Congress.
From these facts you have shrewdly concluded that the entire website is a tissue of lies, distortions and exaggerations designed to give substance to a non-existent individual, a fictitious figure named Jonathan Waite. It will doubtless be for you the work of a moment to divine, by a process of pure reason and subtle intuition, who I really am...
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