BESIDE THE WITCHFINDER (Words and tune byZan) Won't you come along and ride beside the witchfinder As he goes from town to town to ply his trade? We can watch the people quail, avert their faces and turn pale And marvel at the powerful friend we've made. It's a pleasant thing to ride beside the witchfinder Even though he may not laugh at all our jests: And in each new town we find, if he feels like being kind, He may let us watch him as he makes his tests. He's a sombre fellow in his cloak of black, But his company for interest does not lack, And if anyone you meet should give offence You can point them out to him And they'll soon be feeling tense... It's a privilege to ride beside the witchfinder Though the folk you meet are sometimes unaware. But if they deny to you the respect that is your due You can ask your friend to give them all a scare. There are always folk who'll ride beside the witchfinder Though he shows no trace of friendliness or charm: And as many folk have found, with these witches all around, It's the only way to keep yourself from harm.