Zander Nyrond is still prone to describe himself as a logical necessity, though he knows perfectly well he is nothing of the kind. "If I had not existed," he says grandiloquently, "I would have had to invent myself." Though of the Nyrond race, he takes an immoderate pride in his unique status as principal POV character for the narrative cosmos, and plays on it whenever possible for extra canteen privileges and other perks.
The truth is that Zander is no more than a fictional construct, a cardboard figure on which to hang various narrative hooks. The fact that he is aware of this does not make him nearly as unique as he might like to think: many characters in the history of fiction have been aware of their status as created beings, and even enjoyed dialogue with their authors. It is really intolerable of Zander to keep pointing out that this puts him and his fellows one up on the vast majority of the human race.
He continues to take full credit for the songs and stories which emerge from the soma at increasingly rare intervals, and omits no opportunity to pour scorn on the head of his co-tenant, though in practice it is more difficult than ever to ascribe any action or expression to one or the other, and intimates have noted an almost Rosencrantzian (or Guildensternian) tendency for either persona to respond to either name, particularly where food is involved.
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